Sunday 11 October 2015

All About Anti-Ageing

One of the most common complaints we hear from our clients is that they just can't stand the thought of fine lines and wrinkles appearing, and they want to know what to do to avoid it! We hear you, we understand! 

Fine lines and wrinkles are caused when the skin loses elasticity due to the slowing of collagen production, usually starting around the delicate eye area. Fine lines can be treated with anti-ageing facials and a quality skincare regime, but prevention is much better than the cure when it comes to skincare, so protect your skin by eating well, drinking plenty of water and protecting your skin from free radicals. 

If you haven't already, consider booking in for a SkinDNA test- we're all individuals, and that applies down to our skin as well! The SkinDNA test can provide valuable insights about your skin, so you know which products and treatments will have the most effect and benefit for you by determining your particular skin issues: elasticity, sun damage, and pigmentation. 

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