Thursday 17 April 2014

Gaining a whiter grin

Smile, eyes, and teeth are said to be the top things that people look for in a potential spouse. Having good teeth is a sign of good hygine and self care. We’ve rounded up a few tips to help you keep your teeth in tip top shape.

The utmost important tip is to make sure that you don’t brush too hard- it will simply strip away the enamel which leads to yellowed and sensitive teeth. Because of this, you should always use a brush with soft bristles.

Brush twice a day, every day, for a minimum of 2 minutes per session. Flossing and swishing mouthwash should also be a daily task.

If you’re a coffee drinker, don’t despair! Simply get in the habit of swishing your mouth with water frequently while sipping on your beloved morning beverage.

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