Sunday 23 March 2014

Quick Fix for belly aches

If you’ve got a case of the nerves it can sometimes translate to a stomach ache. If you’re about to go into an interview, out on a date, etc. it’s important to banish those nerves and that achy feeling. While eating during those moments might be the last thing on your mind, science tells us there are a few certain foods that can actually help you ease that feeling in your gut.

Lemons- besides being grera for your skin, they work for the belly too! You can squeeze the juice from a lemon into a cup of hot water and sip.

Ginger- historically used to aid in digestion. Peel a bit of ginger root and chew it or buy commercial ginger chews which also work for travel sickness.

Yogurt- chock full of probiotics that are great for your guts- eating yogurt regularly is part of a great balanced diet.

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