Monday, 17 March 2014

Detox Water

Anything we can easily incorporate into our daily routines that has some major benefits for our body is something that should jump to the top of anyone’s priority list.

Drinking detox water is like crossing two things off your list at once! We’ve all got to drink those recommended 8 glasses a day- so let’s make them count! No one can deny that drinking plain water is great for you, we’re here to say that there is room for improvement.

These ‘detox water’ recipes involve infusing your water with fruits, and herbs so that your body can reap the benefits of the vitamins and minerals they contain. It takes a little prep work, but if you plan to create them pitcher-full at a time, it’s quite the easy process.

An introductory recipe so to speak, is to begin by simply adding lemon to your water. Lemons work to balance your pH, keep skin clear, and aid your digestive system. It’s also said to help with weight loss, and to control cravings-especially for coffee. Lemon is an energizer, hydrating, and it oxygenates the body making you feel revitalized and refreshed!

But when you combine ingredients, you’re able to reap the benefits of both. This is a great tasting combo that will work wonders for you:

In a pitcher of water add:

1 cucumber-sliced
1 lemon-sliced
1 orange-sliced
1 handful of fresh mint leaves

Let the mixture sit for at least an hour before you enjoy!

Or if those ingredients just don’t do it for you, try this option.

In a pitcher of cold water add:

1 apple- thinly sliced (Any variety of apple will do)
1 cinnamon stick

Again, let this mixture sit for at least an hour in the fridge before you drink up.

            How many glasses of water do you think (or know) that you’re getting each day?

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